Are white boys really declining the chance for sexual intercourse?
Actually many are declining the opportunity to have sexual intercourse with females. Some are claiming the reason for doing it is because of their lack of ability to sexually satisfy their women while others say it is because of their white guilt over racial injustice to black men over the years. They say that they understand the treatment of blacks has become a problem and they want to make it right for the black men now. So what better way to make it up to black men than to work towards a modern day solution by providing sexual reparations for the black men? The best way to do that is by convincing their white females to stop having sex with the white boys and start having sex with black men only. The white boys find this idea to be very exciting and sexually erotic. The idea behind this excitment comes from the white boys being denied sex by their women only to have the women turn right around have give it to the black men instead. Much like having their loss being the black ma...