Understanding Modern White Husbands

 Many modern white husbands are starting to come out of their shell some about the recent popularity of sex with their wives, or better yet, the lack of sex with their wives. That's right, many are shying away from having sex with their wives voluntarily and becoming celibate. But they still want their wives to have a normal and regular sex life, just not with their husbands. Now that sounds like a pretty sweet deal for the wife. Freedom to have sex with who you want with no backlash. There is only one hitch in this, it has to be a black man. There are lots of white women that would have no problem with this because they could have their cake and eat it too.

If they are sexually frustrated with their white husband for whatever reason, this deal could work out real well for them. A black man could come in and satisfy the sexual needs of the white wife and give her what she has been needing sexually while giving him something he has been wanting too. This would also satisfy the white husband who knows that he can't give his wife what she needs, but the black man sure can.

These white husbands are lacking in their ability to do what they are needing to do to keep their wives sexually happy and content. So they are choosing to turn that task over to the black guys to give his wife what she needs to be sexually satisfied. Of course the black guys are more than willing to take on that task of using the white wives to sexually experiment with, in whatever ways they can think of doing. It may sound crazy but it is working. Many of the husbands are all in on it too and pushing their support for it. They want to see their wives have sex with the black guys and a lot of them are going celibate themselves to show their support.

Times are changing from the days of slavery and now it seems that the black guys today are in good shape for evening the score with the white race. They are now taking control of the white wives and husbands while making them do whatever they tell them to do. For the black guys that includes exclusive sex with the wives and no sex at all for many of the husbands.


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